inspirationFor as much as we are entitled to take decisions as to what to do in life, so also can we create our own future by making vital plans to attain them. “Even though the future seems far away, it is actually beginning right now”Mattie Stepanek. To CREATE is to bring something that does not exist into existence (reality). Apparently, creating your own future requires setting goals or target and making plans to achieve them in some time to come in life. Creating your own future will help you build a positive, optimistic, result-oriented attitudes and behaviors that virtually guarantee that you will achieve at a higher level.

At the most basic level, this principle involves developing, on an ongoing basis, what you want to accomplish and work toward and how you are going to get there. It also means not putting off decisions and actions so far into the future. Create knowing that life will be uncertain, that there will always be risks, and that change is the norm.

To begin with, Think About the Future. “Every thought we think is creating our future”. Says Louise L Hay, a speaker and an inspirational teacher. In this case, to create your future, you have to think positively; in terms of possibilities, probabilities and certainties. Anytime you think positive about the future, there is a kind of happiness you feel within you and that, such gives you assurance. Happiness can be, essentially, a state of mind, or a particular look on life. But often at times we can often observe how our minds are affected by what goes on around us towards our future. Upon observing this, there is the need to think positive and carry on with life towards you are future. According to Miles Davis, he says, “I’m always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning… Every day, I find something creative to do with my life”.

Secondly, Understand Your Life; where you have been and where your now and create a future fantasy. You may be living a life that doesn’t match your goals or future. Just understand, that is what life gives you at that particular moment. You need to change such life in order to suite your demands towards your future. This is much essential. Too many people whine about not having the life they want. Often it’s more comfortable to complain and blame outside factors for lack of accomplishment or unhappiness than to take time to work on life rather than in it.

Also, Don’t Settle for Mediocrity but make a greater choice. Too many people settle for what is easy rather than engage their energy and creativity to create something different and meaningful. Then they wonder why their work has no significance. There is the need for you to choose to pursue the Awesome Experience that leads to your future. The game of life rewards aggressive players who leverage their energy, smart and not intelligence, and creativity to determine and obtain the life that truly makes them happy; their future!

In Addition, Ignore the Naysayers. You live for constructive criticism. But outside perspective that is baseless conjecture or stems from emotional baggage (could be friends or family), is destructive for achievers. Put these people in a box where they can’t distract you from your ambitions. Find people who get it, and put them in your corner. Engage them in your preferred future, and help them achieve theirs.

Furthermore, You need to be Productive. If you want to be productive, the question you need to ask yourself is: Who do I want to be and where do I want to go? The answers to these questions represent growth in some direction. Spending time to pursue your objectives are important. If you want to be a sales manager, you can’t just sell ─ you have to develop your management skill, also, you have to be building and planning you are skills and experience.

Thus, you need to spend time on the future even when there are more important things to do in the present. Sometimes you need to be irresponsible with your current challenges in order to make real progress on your future when you decide spending time doing things that feel ridiculously and unproductive. Think about you are unproductive habits. How do you defend them and what are the secondary gains? Stop procrastinating!

           Not only being productive, but also, Invest In Your Future. Investing in your future means making some sacrifices in the present to reap reward later. It means preparing for the uncertainties of the future. It also means investing your time and money in something that may not give you immediate return, but which can give you tremendous value later. Many people think about the present. Therefore, when something unexpected happens, they aren’t ready to get into a difficult situation. For instance, many people find jobs with respective to their skills at a particular time without investing into learning to acquire more and advanced skills towards the future, where their current skills wouldn’t be needed; and then when the situation changes, their skills are no longer relevant and they lose their job.

Similarly, start investing early when your situation is still good, not when you lose your current job, because it takes time building up something. Also, be willing to invest both your time and money. It could be difficult spending time and money on something that doesn’t give you immediate return. But it is important that you do that. If you don’t, your progress will be slow and you wouldn’t reach your target in time.

Lastly, Take ACTION! You have to start doing something; both exercises and with creativity. First create and put into action afterwards.

Any journey to the future involves preparation. The elements above represent your guide, based on Munnira’s writings and teachings, for navigating tomorrow. The key points from some of her previous articles shall give you a further understanding of how he arrived at these essential elements regarding thinking about and acting on the future. Both individual knowledge workers and organizations are moving inevitably toward a future that is created one day, one action.  It works! You can really create your own future.

‘A Gem of a person’

Sometimes things become so clear suddenly.  Before clarity you are blaming yourself for everything.  You feel guilt of what you have not done. You are trapped within the desire of being understood loved and consoled. But excuse me. Who the hell will do all this for you? Those who are stringed to you with their unconditional love. Others will just follow their right and wrong rules which are highly dependent on their own egoistic situation and age based desires. Love is not bound to a fact that they gave you birth. But because they have proved in life that they will bear all the hardships all the hurdles people’s talk bad eyes critical situations hunger tiredness and do more than what their adrenaline allows them. More than giving birth is that unconditional love in which they just don’t sit and talk and give suggestions of how to build life. But put in practice the real gentlemen charisma. Honor the dreams they induce in minds.
I am today proud of my father that he held such life. He was not a filmatic good looking hero at his last age. But indeed he was a thorough gentleman throughout his limited beneficial to others’ life, who gave me all the strength to live with pride and respect my female being. This was his true heroism. He did not teach me to fight for my rights but he taught me to create my own paths and build them. He did not teach me to be submissive according to lucrative situations but to hold my dreams firm enough and live them as lucrative. He did not teach me to reply jealousy envious attitudes and cruel behaviors but develop an aura where only right people may fit in. I am able to easily give away my cake because I believe in myself to be a cherry which can embellish peaks. Deserving scale is my respect. I can’t believe how clear he was in his understanding of life. How accurate are his judgement and analysis. How visionary he was for his daughters.  To really build them soft tall beautiful snowy mountains against the possible cruelty of this world could have been a challenge for him. At the same time to indulge a broader vision colorful streams of happiness in life and to give empowerment of inner self must have been an erudite challenge for him. Although I remember him in my prayers but his contribution in our lives is untouchable. His clean clear thoughts to raise his family specially daughters are truly understood to me now and each day. You were a truly learned man of honor. I want to thank you father for being in my life. Else honor killings are not only a part of tribes and villages using hands or guns.