
Decision on unlocking your potential is one of the biggest decisions you need to make in life. It is an advantage, a challenge, goal-oriented and often once a lifetime decision which makes you successful. At times creating something into existence tends to be an opportunity for you to show your potential.  As Oprah has said, “Every right decision I have ever made has come from my gut. Every wrong decision I’ve made was the result of me not listening to the greater voice of myself”.

Maybe you thought that by now you’d be famous, or at least wealthy. But our childhood dreams only come true if we make them true. Maybe you might not have accomplished much. And you do not know what is holding you back. Potential is simply the latent abilities developed which leads to future success in this context. Probabilis, being the Latin word for Potential means possible to come up with. Spending countless hours thinking and searching, but still frustrated because nothing seems to answer our questions!  How would you like to break through this conundrum? How would you like to gain access to a process that would unlock your potential for good? Things are always changing.  What matters is how you respond to it.  People who are learners get curious and start to explore the possibilities.  The alternative is to stand on the platform when the train has already left the station and expect to get somewhere.

Here is something to consider: You can achieve everything you really believe you can. Change not your positive beliefs, and you can achieve so much more. Examining your own beliefs about your true potential – and then working to expand those beliefs so they include even greater success – is the easiest way to raise the bar; which is to unlock you are potential. Below are some ways through which you can Unlock Your Potential:

          Remember the gifts you were born with. When you stop to remember what you have instead of worrying about what you don’t have or may not be getting, it changes your perspective for the better. “The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good”. Says Brian Tracy; author of GOALS!

          Know who you really are, Learn to honor yourself and Focus on What You Do Best. We all fake it from time to time and, once in a while, this can be a good thing, but never compromise your personal values and always strive to be your best self. Let’s face it we all like to think that we can do everything and I guess we all have fallen into that trap at one point or the other.  The truth is we all need to find out what we do best, focus all of our energies on those areas and get someone else to look after those things we don’t do so well.

Focus on your strengths. This is so simple: You are good at some stuff; you are not-so-good at other stuff. Focus on the stuff you are good at. Where you are naturally good, you have the potential to become great if you put time into developing those talents. Conversely, if you get too wrapped up in worrying about your weaknesses, you are probably wasting time and energy.

           Believe In Yourself. Yes we all have our doubts and worries about ourselves.  This can either act as a motivator or disempower us.  Believing in you is not about being big headed, cocky or brash.  It is about being courageous and willing to do something to move you forward.  Whatever you do, don’t let fear be your marketing manager. You are talented and full of potential. But if you are like the majority, then I expect you struggle to believe it. Most people are afraid to spread their wings because they’re not aware of what they can do. You are capable of so much more than you think. You need to start believing in your true potential and you need to start doing something about it. Don’t be afraid to be bold Believe in Yourself.

          Start your day the night before. I use to say; “today begun in the dark” It doesn’t matter whether yesterday was good or bad. It’s over. Don’t get stuck there. For that matter, don’t think too much about the future, either. You can’t change the past; you can’t mold the future.   The most successful people I know end their workday by making a list of what they have to do the following day or two ahead. This allows the subconscious to work on things while you sleep. But you can influence what happens right now. Give the present day your full attention and best effort.

         Watch out for negative thinking. Sometimes we get into negative feedback loops and don’t even know it. If thoughts of being helpless and hopeless continue to enter your mind, you might just need to take a nap or perhaps talk with someone who can help.

         Focus on your priorities. Protect your calendar! Your daily agenda can be turned upside down by others and the many requests they send your way. Be selective about what you do because you can’t do it all. As the late motivational speaker Zig Ziglar said, “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have 24-hour days.” Choose your priorities and use your time to accomplish them successfully.

         Set Targets and Milestones. Targets and milestones have three major benefits.  Firstly, they let you see the progress that you are making.  Secondly they act as a source of motivation to keep you going.  Thirdly they provide the basis for taking corrective action if things are not going quite as you expected.

           Focus on your results. It’s easy to become tired or frustrated when the work is hard and the journey long. If you start feeling aimless, act like a 5-year-old and pester yourself with questions. What am I working for? Why am I trying to achieve it? Why does it matter?  Give yourself permission to try things and occasionally get it horribly wrong.  By giving yourself that permission, you will take risks and that is what leads to results.  Reminding yourself of your purpose will keep you focused on the big picture, and your drive to succeed will triumph over adversity.

           Focus on your contribution Continually Develop. The best version of you will emerge when you decide to use your potential to make the world a better place. As author Steve Maraboli says, “You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self…. Do it courageously.” Be bold and be you. Improve yourself and improve your world.

We all know how easy it is to focus on what we have to do now and forget about developing ourselves.  This is this fast road to staying exactly where you are right now for the long term. Decide to invest in yourself in whatever way works best for you, but do not rest on your laurels.

Watch what you say and think, and keep yourself positive. Forgive those who wrong you and feel grateful for the things that go right. Keep writing down your goals and action plans. When you catch yourself clinging to old ways, let them go. And let yourself feel good about it! Some think that the achievement of human potential is a long and arduous endeavor that should cost thousands of dollars and take years to process. Some think the attainment of mastery is reserved for those with superior abilities, great tenacity, or higher spiritual consciousness, but transformation does not rely solely upon any of these. The fact is that each of us has a unique and great potential that we are born with, and that potential is at the core of who we are. It’s our responsibility to honor that calling and deliver to the world, our authentic self with utter conviction and divine grace – this is our potential!  According to Matthew V. Toone; “You can become and accomplish anything in life! Your successes, greatness, and potential are determined by you alone; and all of the characteristics necessary to achieve your goals and dreams already lie within you. Our success and potential is not determined by talent or ability, knowledge or money, race or gender, or even circumstance or setting – it is created, developed, and determined from within ourselves”.

The essential challenge we face to unlock our potential, is to transform the way we see things, our perspectives if you will, and gain access to distinctions about life that make a difference in the way we think, act, and interface with others. With the proper information, transformation can be instantaneous! The bottom line is that change happens’ the instant you make a choice, which by the way, can also be the instant you limit your reality. Life is based on needs and choices, and it is our ability to make choices that determines our level of effect – our potential!



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